Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Holiday Journal Pages

Just a few snapshots from my holiday journal today.
Not too much to say otherwise.
Love how this page came out.  I worked on it quite a bit before it got to this point, but adding the thin green ric-rac finished it in a surprisingly good way for me. Tags are from October Afternoon.
This book has pages that open and close and flip over themselves. The left side closed over the right. I embossed the tree scene at the bottom at the bottom, and I decorated the letters in the jolly word on the left.  Both background papers are from October Afternoon.
There's a learning curve on this kind of book for me, working in different sized pages and the limitations that come from small pages, especially when you want to add photos.
You can see the page on the left isn't quite finished- needed that green ric-rac. The page on the right gave me some space to do a bit of journaling. 
That's all for me.
Thanks for visiting my blog.

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