Monday, December 9, 2013

We Got Our Christmas Tree up

What a great weekend it was!  A bit of shopping, some art time, a great streamed hockey game (Go Maine- we love your 4-2 win over UMass Lowell!) and fun that my sister-in-law and her husband came and watched it with us, and a laugh filled holiday party evening with some friends.
we went and chopped out Christmas tree and got it put up.
I am in the festive Christmas spirit  right now and putting up the tree was so enjoyable.
This is my favorite photo. What great faces- except the dog- Harley HATES his photo being taken. We joke that he thinks his soul is being sucked out of him. And the tree right behind them is our tree.

Once again Harley looks away but isn't the 22 year old just gorgeous?
Dave pulled the tree out.
The parking lot was a little muddy.
We'd had a little dusting of snow Saturday morning which made our tree chopping adventure even more Christmasy.

And this morning-
some more wintery weather.
Guess it is December.
And another week begins.
Two weeks from now is Christmas week-
talk about this holiday season just flying!!!!
I still have lots to do and there is fun to be had before we get there...
How about you?
Thanks for stopping by.

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