Monday, December 30, 2013

Holiday Journaling

Its been a relaxing and enjoyable last few days.  This vacation is all about the downtime-that much I can tell you!
Have had a little bit of studio time so far (really need some studio cleaning time-maybe later this week)- and thought I shared a few journal pages I have worked on.
This top page I used that new Tim Holtz present die. I found it marked down 50% at Michael's before Christmas and I really like it. I didn't realize that each present is separate and you can  stacked them or not, however you want to.
My stack looks like its about to tip over since the bottom gift doesn't look to even.
Ha-ha-looks like a pile I'd really make.
I've been an entry for every day since I started this journal. Sometimes the entries aren't more than a little tag,  sometimes a day is several pages. 

This page is particularly like my overlapping stenciling.
Not sure I like journal format. And think some of my pages are just a bit messy, but its a journal and I often find when I look back months later I like my pages a lot better than when I first make them. That space between making them and then stepping away from them makes a difference.
Besides, its ok not to think everything you make is fabulous and fantastic and the cat's meow.
This view doesn't show you the light green background or the sparkley words at the top. But it is both.

What I do like about journaling is you get to experiment with different things.
Learn some new tricks.
What works and what doesn't work.
I've got a lot more left to do.
A lot more experiments to try.

So yesterday I thought I was going to be ambitious and start some studio sorting and picking up.
Nope, got cloudy and rainy and we watched the last 2 episodes of season 3 of Games of Thrones.
Wow-what an ending-now need to wait until March.
But spent a lot of time thinking about how to reorganize and rearrange the studio. Got me frustrated too.
I want a nice big space, but I don't have it. Can't figure out how to get it either without spending 10s of thousands of dollars to built an addition or an out building. 
Let's be real.
Got a few small ideas, along with a BIG purge-suppose that's a good way to start the new year- eh?
I'm hoping tonight or the next couple of nights some great idea will come to me in my sleep.
Isn't that when the best ideas always come to you?
Will let you know if anything does come to me.
Thanks for stopping by, listening and looking.

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