Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Looking Back on 2013

Its exciting and also kind of sad that tonight we close the book of this year. 2013...where did it go to? 
I'm excited for 2014, but also sad to see a good year become history.
How about you? 
So as is fitting (and very cliche)  for the very last day of the year, I want to look back and figure out the highlights- the things about 2013 that really knocked off my socks in some way, shape or form.
(heads up- this is a LONG post)

3 fantastic trips
First of all in February I went by my little self to visit my friend Vicky and her husband Bob in Taos, New Mexico for a week. My first trip to New Mexico. It was an arty, foodie, historical trip. Even visited the local dump.

Secondly, we took a family vacation to the 4 corners region of Colorado and Utah. First family vacation since Feb. of 2010
It was great to travel with my family and great to visit a few things on my bucket list.

And lastly, I went for 10 days on a school/grad credit trip to Costa Rica. It was my first group planned type trip ever.  It was a big adventure for me, living with a family I didn't know, with lot of Spanish I don't speak, doing some great ecology, visiting schools...

oh yeah, and a fun little weekend adventure in Burlington VT in November!

the year of fixing up the house
wasn't a resolution but it happened-
was some good karma in the air.
Cleaning out some of the clutter (more to do in 2014)
getting my bedroom cabinet and finally getting my clothes organized
painting the kitchen cabinets (and putting in a few slidey drawer things too)
Felt good getting some of these little projects done.
Maybe 2014 will be more of the same?
That studio needs so much purging and cleaning!

my first ride on a horse!!!!!
It was truly a magnificent and adventurous and something I definitely want to do again.
Maybe 2014 will be the year I take rising lessons.
Do I look like an old fat lady or what?

A great holiday season.
Lots of fun, time with friends and family, happy spirits, joy and cheer.
We really did a great holiday season in the Nelson household.
I thoroughly enjoyed it all.

I can't say 2013 was a great reading year for me.  I wanted it to be.
I really did. But I didn't read tons of books to start with
some of those reads weren't that wow for me.
Here's  some my favorites.

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                                         Sad the series ended

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Lunch in Paris: A Love Story, with Recipes

And I started thinking about books by foreign authors in November. I want to do more of that.
Reading some books by foreign authors that is.

Discovering Downton Abbey.
Game of Thrones.
The 50th Anniversary of Dr. Who.
and watching another year of True Blood

This was the year of Boston Strong.
Not a personal thing, but a thing about this part of the planet.
The Red Sox winning the world series at home in Fenway.
Boston strong.
several trips into this great city for me.
Field trips and personal trips.
Although I live in New Hampshire and consider myself very much a part of this state
(been coming here all my life since my Grandmother had a house in NH)
I was born and grew up in Massachusetts.
Gotta love Boston if you're born here.

Making pies.
A years of pies.

Chocolate cream
coconut cream
key lime

Oh yes, and Slutty Brownies

and Chocolate martinis
some of those delicious flavored liquors

A sad sad moment-
Losing our little Emma cat.

spending time with my favorite people.

playing with lots of supplies that made me smile.
Gelli plate

Liquitex Acrylics
Dylusion Spray inks
Tim Holtz Distress Markers
stencils, stencils and stencils
rubber stamps too.
my journal
my camera

Viva paint pens
and dies.
A few classes.
Dyan Reavely and Dina Wakely-
Learning new things is always a high.
Lots of other things too but you arty folks know
what I'm getting at-
I hope.

Little adventures:
Road trips to mom's house and a few other places like  the Wrentham Outlets
attempting a veggie garden that once again didn't happen
but my flowers looked fantastic this year.
Boat trips and fishing
another summer the kayak never got taken out.
Hanging with friends-
lunches with Vicky at Johnson's
reading and naps on the screen porch
reading in bed in the morning before you roll out of bed
late of course
bald eagle watching
hockey games-go Maine- a new coach this fall and you are looking good.

I love it.
New suitcases from Vera Bradley
Drawers for my bedroom cabinet from the Container Store
Clothes from Chicos and LL Beans
Just cruising through Target
The summer sale at Keepsake Quilting
Of course, trips to Absolutely Everything
Even my weekly foray to Trader Joe's

Watching sunsets and sunrises
watching the deer that came into my yard
our little funny possum that we discovered last week
Seeing the seasons change and seeing how nature varies from place to place
Being out on the ocean and feeling the wind through my hair

15-Thankful for our good health
my good health
Katie being so successful at school
my job being a place I usually like to be
wishing I had more art time and maybe a little more art career

16-Thankful Harl is still around at almost 14-
old but still great for an old doggie.
Him and Leo making me laugh so much
and the hubby too.
I love laughing.

And laughing is a good way to end to this list.
Any wild highlights from your year?
So to wrap up this post:

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