Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Couple of Cats

Cards for the college girl today.
A couple of kitties that make me smile.
My photo cut off a lot of the edges of this second card. There's a white doodled trim at the bottom too. Its a white card with a green panel that's got these sun rays on it. Kind of hard to tell that too. 
I'll try to get another photo that's better if I think about it before I mail it out to the college girl.
Maybe I should have switched the sayings on these- now that I am looking at them together.
But at this point its too late-at least for these 2 quick and playful cards.
Images are from Paper Smooches.
Its called 9 Lives and I think that middle cat like I used on my second card is a riot.
Words on the top card is from Flourishes.
Not sure what's going on over there but they are unloading their stock- this week its all 20% off.
Hope they aren't going out of business, seems like there's a lot of places going out lately.
Kind of sad, does that mean crafty things aren't as popular as they were a few years back?
Means us obsessive people lose shopping possibilities and have to do more on-line shopping.
Hope my favorite store down in Massachusetts isn't next!

So the week is winding down. Talent show at school tonight that my National Honor
 Society kids put on. Will be a long night for me, but should be a good night too.
Or at least I hope it is!!!!

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