Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Upcoming Journeys-part 1

We're almost into February.
Where is time flying?
I've gt a couple of journeys coming up next month.
For a short weekend adventure, I'm traveling north to my alma mater.
We've got a hockey game to go see!
Lets hope this time a puck doesn't find its way into my eye last it did last weekend.
I don't get back here very often- its 3 1/2 hours away in the middle of no where, but I do look forward to visiting, going to get pizza and beer at my old haunts, a little memory visit.
Still a couple of weeks out, but I am looking forward to a break and a change of scenery.
And I hope, I get to see a BIG win too.
We're getting close to playoff time.
I will admit, having this hockey obsession
makes the cold winter go faster.
Need something to get me out of the house other than work.
I could spend a lot more studio time
but all art and no play makes Erika a dull girl.
Oh man, that was bad.
Can you tell its early in the day?
Well I'm off to spend the day with my new classes.
Thanks for stopping by.

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