Friday, January 17, 2014


Yesterday was so much fun. I came home from work and played for several hours in the playroom.
I mentally needed that playtime.
I find if I don't get art time for several days I start to get distracted and lose my focus to do other things.
Then I just get plain cranky.
Funny how somethings can be so important to your mental health.
Are you like that or is just my own weirdness?
This is my original background. I used some Distress paints and a Crafter's Workshop stencil.
Its called well rounded.
Then I stamped this awesome B-Line image several times in brown ink.
Doors of the world.
I love how it blends into the background yet gives it a little bit of a pop.
Then I added this lovely bicycling lady.
She's from a set of stamps in the Travel Girl line from October Afternoon.
Product # ST-1023
She's lots of fun.
Here's the top edge of the page. You can really see the doors here. And my writing. At the top you can see the word open which I repeated. I made them by using these little circle stickers that have been in my stash for years. 
I'm happy with how those little circle letter words look against the checkerboard Dylusions border images.
I'm off to open those doors.
Well, off to work.
Glad its Friday.
Glad its almost the weekend.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Just LOVE this backround, the colours are so vibrant. The girl on the bike is really cute too.

  2. Definitely not 'your own weirdness' My family sometimes push me towards my art room with cries of, 'Go paint something!' when the crankiness sets in :)

  3. Love this and I love those door stamps! I could have really used those for a challenge on doors that we had in my local altered book club.

  4. This is a terrific page. Happy colors, image and thoughts.


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