Sunday, January 19, 2014


Yesterday our light snow, a little rain turned into SNOW!

It stunk. We were suppose to go into Boston to see our favorite hockey team- our college team UMaine-play Boston College. We didn't make it because the roads were SOOOOOOOOO bad.
My photos are reversed here. The one of my backyard is when it started to snow and the roads are in the afternoon.
Katie and I each had a delicious drink when I got home. Applehead beer and some vanilla vodka.
And on our way home on the bad roads (since we did try to get there) we stopped at the grocery store and had to buy some bummer down in the dumps emotional pick up food. You know, eat and drink away the blues.
It did help.
We were able to stream the game on the computer and since we lost, and since it was still snowing when we would have had to drive home, I guess we made the right choice coming home and not heading into Boston.
We did have a hockey game on Friday night too, down in Lowell, Massachusetts. And we made it to that one.
And we tied that game rather than getting run over like the game we missed last night..
So today is a BIG football game here in New England.
Pats versus Broncos.
We have some friends coming by, which I have mixed feelings about. Really wanted a DOWN quiet day so I could just chill,
but then they invited us out and we didn't want to go so we invited them here.
So much for a real arty day this weekend
since tomorrow I have to move the daughter back to school.
And my resolution was to make time for what I really wanted this new year.
Anyhow, still only Sunday of a 3 day weekend.
Hope its a good day for you.
And I must add-

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