Monday, January 20, 2014

Good to Eat

Disappointing football game for us New Englanders yesterday.
Seasons done. Football is over.
Always a bit of a let down even though you know someone has to lose.
We had our friends Sherry and Keith over to watch the game so yesterday morning I cooked up a storm.
A pan of smutty brownies.
A pot of chili.
And for breakfast for us before the game
Have you seen these at Trader Joe's?
(If you have Trader Joe's near you That us.)
You put them out and let them rise overnight and then bake them.
They look like this when they are finished.
Especially with sausage and eggs.
I ate so much food yesterday I need to skip it today completely.
So I'm planning on some studio time this morning and then got to take the daughter and her things back to college for her last semester.
Her last semester?
I am in shock about that.
Really excited to have today off- and having a short week of classes because of it.  Last week with my kids too,
next week I get new kids and new classes.
Half way through my year too.
Holy cow-
Where does  time go?

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