Friday, January 24, 2014

Latest Journaling

Another chilly morning in New Hampshire, but it is Friday, and it is the last day of this semester at school. Yeah. Next week we'll start fresh for the second half of the school year.
Good or bad-I'll know next week how my new classes look.
And tonight we're going to another hockey game-this time at our rival school- The University of New Hampshire, where my daughter goes. We need a win on the road in a bad way.Let's hope it is tonight because its always good to beat your rival. Especially when your daughter goes to your rival  school and you can rub it in- in a fun friendly way that is.

So onto the art which is why you stopped by.
Here's some backgrounds I made the other evening.

I'm happy with how these background came out.
You'll see these again some other time I'm sure.
Thanks for stopping by and come back again another time.

1 comment:

  1. i've popped over from 'art journal every day' and your pages look positively yummy ~!!~ dripping with eye popping colors and contrasts.



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