Saturday, January 25, 2014

On Paper and Reading

Some recommended reading for you and a little secret.
Did that catch your attention?
First off-
I discovered this awesome paper magazine awhile back when I was browsing at Barnes and Noble's one afternoon. Never a wasted moment browsing a bookstore, but even better when you find something as exciting as this. This is a Dutch magazine but there is an English version too. (Also German.)

This is  the latest, just released issue #4.  Ordered mine but it hasn't arrived yet. Can't wait to see what kind of eye candy issue this will be.
 If you haven't seen FLOW, its for paper lovers, but not a strictly crafty magazine even though it contains crafts. There's stories, pages to cut up, great images, and lots of color- both photos and drawings.
Arty but not just about art.
Here's the link so you can check it out  yourself.
And for you cooks out there-
I found this blog
(you cooks probably already know about it-
once again I'm trailing behind the pack)
called Joy the Baker.
Since I like the blog,
I picked up a copy of her cookbook-
also called
what else?
Joy the Baker.
LOVE it!!!!!
Here's what I want to try out sooner rather than later:
bacon black pepper waffles
avocado pound cake
peanut butter birthday cake
and several more that I won't tempt you with.
I really like the selections in this cookbook, and I'll let you know how they actually taste since I'm making the waffles and the pound cake this weekend.
I hope at least.
And my secret-
And I'm getting ready for my next travel adventure!!!!

The hubby and I leave in a month.  Going to do a little sightseeing, relax, spend some time with our friends in Taos, laugh a lot and have some fun. Get away from this arctic New Hampshire cold.
I hope this last reason to go away is true and the winter freeze doesn't follow us out there. I'm hoping for a bad weather free trip-especially on the traveling ends of the trip.
I went out there last February to stay with  my friends for a week but the hubby couldn't get the time off from work, so I'm taking him  there this year. I really liked it out there, and I'm excited to go back. Not very often I take a return trip to an area so soon.
More to come about this adventure in future posts.
Happy reading or baking or adventuring or whatever it is you are up to today.

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