Monday, February 17, 2014

Cards for My Mother

Flourishes Rubber Stamps is up for sale and I think most likely, going out of business.
So sad, they have some gorgeous flower images.
I pulled out my little Flourishes stash the other afternoon and made a couple of cards for my mother.
Mom likes very traditional cards with very traditional images.
Sometimes its lots of fun to make something pretty and traditional and things that aren't always my usual style.
Mom is 84 and I send her cards on occasion, but I think I should start sending her some more. 
It would be a nice connection between us and give her something exciting in the mail- besides bills and as she complains- requests for charity. Maybe it will make me play more with this traditional styling,  a little more formal than I would make for the college aged daughter.
After all I had so much fun making these!
According to Flourishes Blog on 2/20- they have a buyer and so most likely will not be going out of business!!! That's exciting news!

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