Tuesday, February 18, 2014

More Snow? Oh No!

What a brutal winter many of us have been having this winter. Super cold throughout much of the US, super drought in California, snow and ice in Southeast, and here in the Northeast lots and lots of snow since February started, after a lot of cold. We seem to be getting snow every other day and then this cold comes in. There's more snow predicted this afternoon.
Isn't it spring yet?
We went to Maine this past weekend and got lucky. Although we did get some fresh snow Saturday night, as you can see on this bears statue, we didn't get the 2 feet they were saying we could have gotten.  Relief- we might not have made it home until today otherwise.
Was fun to get away, watch some live hockey in my alma mater's home arena and have a change of scenery. I'm at the point where right now everything just looks the same old bland, and I want to give my inside of my house a major face lift just because its the same old look.  Not that I am really that ambitious, the winter blahs have hit me hard lately.
Did I mention I am off to New Mexico this Saturday?
(Only like a million times I think.)
Hopefully snow will not impede my travels.
I did make for a pretty ride Sunday morning as we headed back south down route 95. The sun came out later but the wind was COLD.
It was a very bear kind of weekend as we are the University of Maine  Black Bears. 
As the hockey team skates out, they come out through this giant bear head. In the dark the eyes light up as you can see below.

And we stayed at the Black Bear Inn, which went way overboard with the black bear theme.
Look at the bed,  a bear quilt and a little black bear.  But it was fun, and the bed was super comfy so I slept like a log.  I guess having a big old beer or two after the game helped relax me too.

Oh yeah, and I should forget the black bear hats my sister-in law (left) and I bought. We wore them during the game so if another puck did come my way, between the brim and the glasses I might escape another black eye like I had a few weeks ago. Luckily no pucks came my way, (and we won the game!) but I have to admit I was pretty apprehensive.  The lady next to me asked if I had puck aversion when I would flinch, and when I explained to her how I had been hit in the eye, she said she'd fling herself in front of me to protect me.
She just wanted to catch the puck, I'm sure.
Boy that double chin in the photo is really scary.
Enough hockey chat.
Thanks for visiting.

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