Monday, February 10, 2014

Journal Backgrounds

Saturday everyone was going out and I was going to be home alone.
Usually I'd grin and run upstairs to my studio for some quiet play time but the sun was shining so brightly and I really wanted to be out in it.
One problem, it was only in the 20's- too cold to stay out too long, so I decided to drive to my fav. craft store down in Massachusetts because at least the sun would shine in through my car windows.
Kind of like being outside, right?
So I lucked out and got to see some this demo using Liquitex high gloss heavy gel and stencils .
So yesterday I had to play!
Here's a journal background I made first by putting down some paper towel scraps after I'd used it to roll over many many sprayed pages.  Then I did a bit of paint stenciling.  I stamped a funky diamond shaped background stamp (October Afternoon) in black. Can you see the circle stenciling and bright dots from using the glossy medium?

This page I used the same stencil and the high gloss medium on plain paper, and then I used some Dylusions sprays over it. Love how it looks like lots of little wet droplets.
These pages are now ready for some finishing. The high gloss dots show up better when they're put down first and then covered and wiped off, but I also like the little bit of texture they add to the finished page.
I also like the idea of using old art dirtied paper towels too.
I also played around with using  light moulding paste yesterday too, and I'll show you my results tomorrow.
Thanks for visiting.

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