Sunday, February 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad!

Today my Dad would have been 90 years old had he still been alive.
It's been ten years, and I still miss him a lot. I don't think you ever stop missing people who mean a lot to you in your life, once they have gone, that is.
Dad was a very intelligent, kind and patient man. Rather chauvinistic, but that was his time.
This is a photo of Dad in his army uniform back in the early 1940's as he was in the army from 1942 (ish) until World War II ended in 1945.
Here he is back in in the early 1930's when he was a boy.
I bet he's celebrating his birthday in his favorite way- drinking coffee or going fishing.
His favorite birthday cake was a pound cake with chopped walnuts and maraschino cherries.
I made us a pound cake to remember him- only I tried one from the Joy the Baker cookbook I bought awhile back- avocado pound cake.
It had a cool creamy green color while mixing it in the bowl, and since I haven't tasted it yet, I'll let you know what we think.
Have a great day!

ps- Took a taste this morning with my tea and this cake gets an A+ rating from me.  No avocado taste, but just the right crumb moisture, a bit of cornmeal crunch, but not too corn mealy, and just the right sweetness without being too dessert like-in my mind a pound cake should be something that is delicious on its own.  I think it would be absolutely fantastic with crushed strawberries and cream.
Maybe for dessert today.

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