Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Reading List

A recent fictional read, this is a well written and enjoyable novel. A different kind of foodie novel, that takes you to India, London, Paris and a few other places along the way (as you can probably tell by the cover images). I like the fact that this book has many unexpected events and takes you to all these interesting places.

And I just discovered this wonderful book!! Kristen Nichols, author of Getting Stitched on the Farm blog ( did a post about Maud Lewis a while back. I was so taken by her that I went onto Amazon and looked for something about her and her art, and I found this used book. Man, I love these primitive style painting by this woman. Of course I am a big one for color and the country and the ocean...just what this Nova Scotian woman painted.
I love these 3 cats she painted several times in various settings.
I really want to go to Nova Scotia, Canada now to visit her little home which is a museum and actually see some of her art.
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Maud Lewis Gallery
Here's a view inside of her home.
Put it on the bucket list!

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