Saturday, February 8, 2014

Upcoming Journeys-Part 2

My word of the year was GO.
My plan this year is to GO someplace every month.
Hockey trips mostly at this time of year,
but not at the end of this month.
I am going to the land of adobe buildings with blue trim
and lots of chilis.
I am going to New Mexico!
 I love it. 
Its going to a place that is far away culturally from life here in New England.
I love it!!!!!
 Working on my travel journal. Reading my travel books.
Just getting ready to go.
These are all photos I took last year when I went.
Not usual for me to go back to a place so soon, but I want to go back.
I have more to discover.
Three more weeks of work until its vacation time!
Do you have any plans to go?

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