Friday, March 14, 2014

Art Journaling

Sorry for the slightly fuzzy photo.
Was playing around with the ideas of butterflies
(can't wait for real butterfly weather)
and also with this new set of Dina Wakely stamps I picked up.
Not a real face person,
but I like these faces.
Might need the big versions one of these days.
What you can't see here is the sparkly colors of the butterflies.
I painted them with some Silks Paint by LuminArte.

I'm playing hooky today- spending a little time with my daughter on her last college spring break. Tomorrow I am off on a road trip to Providence, Rhode Island.
Stories to tell next week.
Thanks for visiting my blog today.


  1. Love how those butterflies characterize your thoughts by flying into a rush of amazing color! I am playing hooky too on my daughter's last day of spring break before her college classes start again Monday and we're back to our routines.

  2. I like the way all the writing is down the one side and all the movement on the other.

  3. Wonderful vibrant page! I hope you enjoyed your day.


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