Saturday, March 15, 2014

Georgia O'Keeffe

So I managed to squeeze in a little visit to the Georgia O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe while visiting New Mexico.
They had a cool exhibit with her paintings from Hawaii along with some of Ansel Adams photographs.
And they also had a nice little selection of some of her paintings on exhibit.

This visit sparked some interest in me to learn more about this fantastic woman painter. 
I must say I really like how she shows so much depth without making her paintings detail heavy.
Does that make sense?
And I love her use of color.
So I read the following older kids book which gave me a great quick G rated overview of her life. And  it included some of her paintings and some photos of her which really expanded my knowledge-which was almost nothing except having seen a few of her paintings.

And then I watched this Lifetime film which was really good.
I think I need to watch it again.

And then I picked up couple of books (used) from Amazon just to expand my knowledge a bit more.
This book about her in Hawaii shows some of the paintings I got to see in the exhibit. It also tells the story of her time in Hawaii, written by the daughter of the family where she stayed at while there.
This other book has several of her paintings in it. 
 Not that I am any kind of expert at this point, 
but I feel a lot more informed than I was. 
I might even sound a little bit knowledgable.

As long as you don't ask me too much about her.

Know anything you can share with me?

So I'm off for a short weekend roadtrip.
This time I am off to Providence, Rhode Island.
Hockey quarter finals...
We'll see what happens there.
Will let you know next week once I am home.
Let's hope I'm not down in the dumps and practically crying when I pass on those results.

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