Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It Was a Beautiful Day

 Last Saturday was a gorgeous day with temperatures almost as high as 50.
It was so good for our winter weakened souls that we went and took Harley for a walk along the beach in York, Maine.
It was only 39 degrees there with an ocean breeze but still a great walking day in the sunshine.
Harley LOVES walking the beach- even though he is a 14 year old boy. As we got closer to the beach and he must have smelled the salt air-he started hoping around and making all kinds of I am excited noises.

Time to diet I think by the size of this shadow.
The old dog is beat as he makes his way back to the car where he immediately fell asleep.
But we got this fun photo of us.
Afterwards we went down to Portsmouth, NH and went to the best burger place on the seacoast-
The Rusty Hammer.
We had a beer and a burger.
Add that to running to Costco and doing some furniture browsing, plus we went to my sister-in-laws to watch the start of the Hockey East playoffs at their house. Maine won and we are on to the quarter finals in Providence this weekend. We have plans to take another little road trip and head down to see the game-should be a blast! At least if Maine wins the weekend best out of 3, but I am not feeling too optimistic about that.
Off and running-time to go to work.
Have a great day!

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