Monday, March 10, 2014

Travel Journal

Monday!!! A tough morning since we had the time change BUT
it is so wonderful in the evenings with the longer hours of daylight.
I will readjust, just as I did last week when I was working on the 2 hour time change from New Mexico.
So had some fabulous time in my studio yesterday on a CLEAN table. Look at this.
Friday I came home and was a busy little lady.
Back to yesterday.
Worked on my travel journal which I had started while in New Mexico.
Want to take a peek at some of my pages?

A lot of this page was done before I went, but I added the sticker off of a bakery bag and added this painting image from a local art brochure.

A Georgia O'Keeffe postcard I picked up at the Georgia O'Keeffe museum during the trip and some words cut out of a local tourist magazine.

I added another Georgia O'Keeffe postcard. I like how they give this book some culture and local flavor. And color.  Color is always such a good thing in a project.

Left- some stamped images. Right, a clear folder page with a map in it.

On the left is one of the matteboard pages that came with the book. I covered it before I left with copper paper and a big tag. I added some tape, some stenciled paint design and some stamped southwestern images.  I free hand cut the little flower on the cattle skull, in the flavor of Georgia O'Keeffe.
On the right I added a little bag, with some stickers on it, and a paper clipped business card I picked up.  Its holding a menu from a place I had lunch.

Here's a close up of that page. I added the flower on the skull as a last minute thought, and it really lightens up the whole page I think.  Even as little as it is.
So time to get rolling into another day.
Not sure I am ready, but ready or not,
here I come.
Thanks for stopping by.

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