Thursday, May 29, 2014

A Few Other Weekend Photos

A few more assorted shots from this past Memorial Day long weekend.
Besides some vet time with Harl (see yesterday's post), there some other excitement going on here in New Hampshire.
Mr. Leo cat was quite curious about all the moving and constructing and digging in the dirt.

I found a new spot for this old set of mailboxes I have. Time to shake up the house a bit, rearrange bits of pieces.  What better time to do that than on a wet long weekend?
I LOVE this new chair I bought for my screen porch.  Or maybe I should just move it into the house! Notice I need to fix my Japanese style light in the background too. The paper on it was rather icky so I took it off and will spruce it up. Add that to the summer to do list!
And this little cabinet looks really nice here, and gives me a place to store some cookbooks.
Finally got my annuals and got my container garden on my deck planted.  I just LOVE having all the color and blossoms outside my door.
Dave picked up the new bed.  I am so happy with it.
The cat has decided he loves it too.
And its time for all those little roadside summer restaurants to open up. They may not give you a lot of classy atmosphere, but this place has delicious food. especially the onion rings.
Can't eat it every day but it was a delicious holiday treat.
And finally, we went to the movies. Not award winning but it was an enjoyable couple of hours.
Hopefully I'll get back into the art zone...the better the weather, the more outdoor time I spend, especially on the weekends, so that cuts back on the studio time.  Hoping once school gets out I'll have more time.
Still, got to love the outdoor time. Been waiting for this for a long time.
Have a great day!

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