Friday, May 30, 2014

Blooming Art

This has been a wet and cold week here in New Hampshire. Plus with a sick dog my head hasn't really been very creative. I made these earlier last weekend, before celebrating the fact that lilacs and roses are starting to green up and bloom.
I love lilacs. They scent the air around them. I was in a parking lot the other day and when I stepped out of the car I could smell them. I wanted to just stand there and inhale for a long time. Too bad the way our noses work the smell vanishes after you stand there a bit.
So this top page has lots of stamped images. The lilacs are from Obsession Impression. I used some die cuts to make the letters, and then I doodled all over them.
I love how this rose page looks like old fashioned wallpaper. I stamped the roses and then used watercolor paints to color the background and the roses. I added lots of pen dots and wrote in on the spaces between the roses.
That's all.
I hope your day blooms wonderful things.


  1. Love your pretty work. Happy PPF, Annette x

  2. I love lilacs too! And your lilacs look wonderful as well as the roses!

  3. I love that page roses, my roses I like to draw so much as to have at home, it's always a pleasure tickled me pink. Saludos

  4. really lovely pages of blooms! We have two small double white lilac bushes in our yard and I love to clip one and put it in a tiny vase on the kitchen table. I agree, the sent is heavenly!

  5. Great cards, Erica, I love them both they look very artistic!!! Thanks for your nice commands at my work on the CB blog!!!


  6. I am jealous of the lilacs... it is way too hot for them to grow where I love, so i will enjoy then vicariously through your artwork... and the roses are quite lovely...xx

  7. So sorry you have a sick dog. I too like lilacs these are beautiful

  8. Beautiful! I love lilac and roses too and have loads of them in my garden. We have a lilac hedge which scents the whole garden and wafts into the house when its in bloom - heavenly!

  9. I loved my lilacs in NY but in South Carolina I think the deer eat them! Your rose page is lovely - you are right - just like old fashioned paper


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