Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bucket Listing-Again!

Today is me working my brain.
Thought I needed another list post!  Its been quite awhile- for me.
I am a lister!
I love writing these things.
So today's list-
my travel bucket list.

These are not in any particular order
(Can you tell I wish I didn't have to go to work and that I could take a trip right now in May.  I haven't taken a trip in May since 1985 when I was shortly out of college, not teaching for a year, and went to Sweden for 3 weeks to visit and meet some of my slightly distant relatives.
My first trip to Europe.
Get me back on track.
Here's my list. I want to ...
1-go to Newfoundland and see puffins and icebergs and the Viking settlement ruins
2-go to Montreal-oui Go someplace to practice my terrible French. It won't get better if I don't practice though.
3-Take a Slovenia and Croatia road trip
4-see Venice before it sinks.
5- go to the Greek Islands and watch the sun rise or set on a blue ocean against the white cliffs and buildings
6-walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain
(and take in Madrid and Seville while I am at it)
7-see the lavender blooming in southern France
8-drive the Ring Road in Iceland
9-travel to another continent- I've been to 2- North America and Europe.
10-Drive to Alaska and go north of the Arctic Circle
11-Hike the volcanoes in Hawaii
12-Drive down the middle of the US to the states I haven't visited
13-rent a house on the outer banks of North Carolina and lounge on the beach all week
14-Visit Poland
15-sail in a Norwegian Fjord
16-see a wild kangaroo in Australia
17-rent a house in Portugal and explore the countryside and buy some cool tiles
18-spend some time in the Azores
19-go on an African photo safari
20-See some walls-Hadrian's wall, the Great Wall of China, the Great Barrier Reef
21-See wild orcas in Puget Sound (maybe this summer!)
22-Go to every US National Park that I haven't yet been to.
23-Visit Mont St. Michel in France
24-Have a delicious dinner in Charleston, South Carolina
25-See the flowers blooming at the Biltmore Estate and the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC
26-visit the Victoria and Albert Museum and the National History museum in London
27-See the University of Maine play in the Frozen Four final hockey playoff and win-in person!
28- See the Gaudi cathedral -the Sagrada Familia -finished.I've seen it unfinished!
29- Rent a house with a pool and lounge for a week in Palm Springs.
30- go to New York City at Christmas time and window shop-the window displays are suppose to be magnificent.
31-Go on an art retreat.
32-Take a literary trip. Visit Emily Dickinson's home in Amherst, Massachusetts.  Mark Twain's home in Hartford, CT. Or I could make it an arty trip and visit homes of artists.
33-go on adventures, big and small-boy isn't that a broad answer, but when I write these bucket lists it only makes me think of about 100 places and thing I want to go to and try. And then there are all the things I haven't thought of or even knew existed.
Life is a grand journey, isn't it?

Where would you like to go?

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