Monday, May 12, 2014

Cherish the Sun

Here's another journal page about the sun.  This time its more about not seeing the sun.
I used lots of spray inks and stencils  and a little bit of bright yellow paint. I also used gold Stickles on my hand drawn letters.
I've also been having Sookie Stackhouse and Eric the vampire withdrawals. Charlaine Harris wrote the whole book series that  the True Blood tv shows are based on. The new book always came out around the first of May, but last year was the last book in the series. Oh no!  I am missing having another adventure with those beloved characters this spring. And this year is the last year for the HBO True Blood series too. Wonder what that will end like? New series starts in June, but if you haven't seen the series or read the books, they aren't all much alike once you get much past the first book.
Charlaine Harris started a new trilogy though, and book 1 was released this past week, so I am reading that.
Kind of nice to read something in the same writing style, even though the setting and characters are different.  Will let you know what I think once I get through the book, but for now, am liking it.
So this week promises to be a big week.  More Bruins playing the Montreal Canadiens in Stanley Cup playoffs. The black flies are thick outside right now but I am hoping maybe some wind so I can get in some gardening time-the wind will blow those nasty little buggers away. I have some plants to put into the ground-a couple of rose bushes, a peony and an azalea.  All thanks to some great prices at Costco. 
And the biggest news of the week is that Katie graduates from college this Saturday with a degree in Civil Engineering. What an accomplishment!
I was hoping this past weekend to do some studio cleaning, but between moving some of Katie's big things out of the dorm and Dave and I going to Costco and Bass Pro on Saturday, it didn't end up being much of a cleaning nor arting weekend. 
I was fun to spend time with my hubby and daughter though.
Oh well, one more thing on my week is that Dave is gone all week on business so I should have lots of evening time to work and play in my studio.
Anything big on your calendar this week?

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. We have lots of no-sun too. The poor plants in the garden are getting fed-up.
    Have you read the "Lily Bard" series by Charlaine Harris, they are good fun too, and I'm interested to read that she has a new series starting.


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