Thursday, June 5, 2014


Another flower card today. This one was actually pretty simple but I love how it came out.  The sunset and silhouettes of the flowers. I used a slightly textured cardstock by American Crafts and black embossed flowers. Image is from Hero Arts. The textured cardstock kind of made the embossing a little bit irregular, but I like how it makes it a little bit more deilcate. The Hero Arts image is an older one but a great background stamp. I  used some SILKS paints to color the background. I painted using a wet brush so that gave me that light blush of color.
I like how that sounds. Blush of color.
Words are from Tim Holtz, Stamper's Anonymous. I think the pop of the butterfly is great.
The 2 little black butterflies are also from Hero Arts. An ancient mini-image set on peg stamps.
And how about some real garden color?

I love the flowers that bloom at this time of year. 
Thanks for visiting.

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