Friday, June 6, 2014


This week I am reflecting. Losses and new beginnings. Changes and adjustments to them. Summer arriving-or at least it feels like it is finally here. Missing my dog and getting used to my daughter not being around since she moved out last weekend. Luckily she is only 10 minutes away and not 3000 miles away. But still, the house is awfully quiet.
 But I don't want to turn this post into a counseling session.
Besides, it is Friday and I am happy!
So I was looking at some recent journal pages which you may remember from last week. They needed something, kind of like my inner spirit needed "something". Needed? Needs. So here's what I did, I gave them "something".
I love this page, but I realized it was a background, not a page. It needed a focus item.
So I gave it just what it was asking for.
I don't think the additions are as artsy as my background, but I think they finish off the page.  It might still need something, like a title, but I'll do more reflecting about that some other time.
That is if I am not distracted with something new.
And then we have my wallpaper page.
I love this page but again, its a background.
So once again I spent a little time with it.
I think this page is now really finished.
And it is working for me.
So hope you have some super duper weekend plans.
Stop back again really soon.

posted to PaintPartyFridayand Art Journal Everyday


  1. Love your journaling, and that orange background is really wonderful! It's had when the kids leave the nest, but it has to be! Have a great weekend, Valerie

  2. Lovely additions to your journalpages! That red in the first pic is so beautiful ...

  3. I love the page with the white roses! So pretty! Great job. I've been scrapbooking for a few years and always thought about making my own backgrounds but I always chicken out. Maybe I'll give it a shot!


  4. Beautiful pieces of art, Erika. The one with the red background certainly makes me feel upbeat and happy.

  5. I think your journal pages are beautiful. Lots of color and love what you did with all of them. Happy PPF!

  6. it can be very difficult to face emptiness and feeling so alone but it will get better. Good for you to art up those beautiful pages-I love the additions you made!

  7. I feel with you.. but you will see-it will get better for sure.. I love so so much to be alone... every minute I am alone is time just with me and for me....wonderful time ...

    wonderful artwork.. so pretty backgrounds...

    Have a HAPPY WEEKEND !

  8. Lovely pages. They were so beautiful before I think I would have found it difficult to change them but your additions are so good. I especially like the roses page.

  9. Love the background pages you made. Love the completed page too.

  10. Happy PPF. YOur journal is beautiful.

  11. Lovely journal pages and great choice of backgrounds!

  12. I love what you did with the wallpaper pages. The old pictures give the feeling of genealogy. . . which has always been a passion of mine. Blessings, Janet PPF

  13. Love your backgrounds Erika. Annette x


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