Thursday, June 19, 2014

This is It

Another landmark in the annual school year. Today at 11:30 the kids are done!
Its a very exciting landmark. We made it through another  successful year. I enjoyed my students this year, and we marched through a lot of material and lots of little adventures. Summer vacation is exciting too. I am not one of those people who can't fill my down time. (Oh no, I used the double negative.) I can keep myself very busy, and I am so ready for some me time. First summer in 22 years that I haven't had a kiddo hanging around the house, and first summer in about 5 years I haven't worked a part time summer job myself.
Those 2 things are really exciting!
But I still have 4 teacher days left after today. Must contain my vacation hysteria.
Here's a page I made last year about the end of the school year. I pulled it out of archives to show you today. I cut up a sheet of paper that had all these little photo booth photos on it. I added the typewrite die cut and the note, though not typed. I suppose I should have done that-not that I have a typewriter, but I could have stamped it. Oh well. It is what it is.  Still thought it would be fun to repost this page anyhow.
That's my post. Off to give 2 final exams this morning and then going off to my department end of the year lunch get together.  Au revoir and hope you come back soon.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely page. I can imagine your busy summer filled with lot of activities and lot of art.


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