Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Finally Happy

Yesterday was a great day. After a busy weekend I hung out home all day! I definitely like a do what I want at my own pace kind of day, especially when I can spend like 4+ hours in my happy place.
Wouldn't it be nice if days like that were more frequent?

So yesterday I showed you a journal page that just didn't seem quite right to me.
You can see it here: Day One of Vacation Page
So in putter and play time I made a few little changes to it.
Now I am much happier with it.
I didn't take much to make me like it better. Mostly I painted over the horrible journal card I couldn't stand and then stenciled some flowers in orange and outlined them with a white pen. You can still read the journaling but now it doesn't stand out like a big fat bandage on the page.
And I showed you this page last Thursday.
I didn't hate it but it was pretty busy. I thought I was finished with it until I went to pop it into the journal yesterday, and then I looked at it and knew I had to do something.
Adding the big star helps me find a focus. I added some other smaller blue and white stars and then wrote words in white pen all over the page. 
And I like it a lot better because all that busy-busy-busy is now just part of the background.
Don't you love how I can over-analyse a journal page?

So I have lots to do today. Sulky face time. I won't be heading into my happy space but it should still be a good day. Off to visit my Mom again. Since she's 84 I want to spend some time with her because who knows whether I'll be able to enjoy those summer afternoons chatting with her on the back porch next year. I am suddenly feeling the passage of time to acutely. I just finished reading this book, Have Mother Will Travel, and the daughter in the book makes a comment about how her mother will never again be the young woman she pictures in her head. And her mom is only my age. I know my daughter sometimes acts like I am ready to start using a walker and need to shop for a nursing home to live in.  And my friend who came to visit brought up the subject of retirement planning. I think its a part of being in midlife that you have to start thinking about aging. But oh my goodness!

Think on my way today I will check out the Hobby Lobby store in Manchester, as I have never been to one before. After writing this last paragraph I need something cheery and arty to take me away!

What are you up to today?


  1. Wow AMAZING pages and the first one would fix our current Art Journal Journey theme perfect!


  2. It's really interesting to see how you enhanced these two pages to make them into something special. The orange stencilled flowers and the blue stars made quite a difference, I like them both very much.

  3. Both pages are amazing, but I specially love the first one, the colours are so beautiful. Mar x

  4. Both are beautiful! I like the second one with these lovely details!

  5. I hope you had a lovely time with your Mom. I love your pages. So interesting to see how you developed them till you were happy with them. Love the stars and the flowers.


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