Monday, July 7, 2014


Wow- I can't believe we are into a new week already! The long weekend, as long weekends usually do, just zipped right by. I had a lot going on,including visiting with my friend up from North Carolina, going out to eat a couple of times, watching a couple of Star Trek Blu-Rays, as well enjoying  a couple of beautiful days outside after a rainy 4th.
July is in full swing.
Yup, we are really into summer now!
I found these quotes on the internet. I like the quotes but I also love the journaling ideas I get from them. I am always looking for new ways to express myself because some days I look at my journal pages and they all look a like. 
And some days I look and think my pages are really cool. 
I like the photograph with the cool quote written on it.
I like the cut out letters of different colors and textures. I like the colorful background and the words that are each a different color.
This page to me isn't more than a bunch of things I was trying out. Nothing pulls together on this page for me. I really don't like the journaling block at all! But it is there and now is a part of the page. Maybe I should use some gesso and white it over.
I love the rose. While cleaning out at school, I found a co-work had thrown out this old book of transparencies. All botany stuff-way cool. So I snagged it from the hallway trash pile.
What a thief I am! Ha-ha.
I also really like the bigger letters with the printed background behind them. Good find for a stamp set on my part! And the background isn't bad- a good page to journal over, but I think it could have used some more of something. Maybe I will gesso over that journal block. It really bugs me.
So you can see today I am in one of those self-critical moods.  Maybe I am just tired from the weekend. Sometimes being on a vacation is exhausting! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Think I am in that transition from work mode to real long term vacation mode, when you really gear down. A week off just doesn't do that for me, but now, I am slipping into the deep summer relax mode. Good thing I am home today with nothing more planned than to play and see what I can create.
Oh well, I have gone on enough today!
Enjoy yours.

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