Sunday, August 31, 2014


First of all I want to thank everyone who left such great suggestions on my last post.
I had been craving some time poking around a book store. All summer.  But I never seemed to get into one, until the other day when it was pretty hot and I wanted a little blast of AC after work. So I stopped by my  local Barnes & Nobel  and got my book fix.
 I found these 2 baking books I just had to have. Sometimes that just have to have part of me gets a little too bossy and sassy. Too late now so this long weekend I am  baking something fabulous.
This SWEET book has some interesting things. Cakes that have shapes and look so real. Like a lobster salad cake.  No, not made of lobster salad but looks like a lobster salad sandwich.  For your next clambake. Next time I want to impress someone I will make one of those fun cakes.
I am a pie fanatic.  I love pie.  I'd make a ton of pies if I wasn't always watching my weight. (And trying to watch it go down- not up- which my body seems to prefer to happen). What I like about this book is the classic recipes, the unusual recipes, and especially the stories. I read the whole book in one night I was so engrossed. The author actually rents that house in the background of the cover which is the same one in the famous American Gothic painting.
This painting.
What an iconic image. I think they should have made up Beth Howard the pie maker and cookbook author  to look a little more like the woman in this painting. Ha-ha! I read on Wikipedia that the woman in the actual painting is really the artist's daughter.
Paintings always come to life when they have a story.
And can you imagine living in such a famous home? Maybe you do live in a famous home, .I think like paintings, houses with stories are pretty fascinating.
Its always about the stories.
And speaking of stories I finally finished Shadow of Night, book 2 in the All Souls Trilogy, so now I have started this book, #3, that came out in July. 
So up to anything exciting this weekend? Besides reading,  I am getting myself into a little bit of trouble and having some fun and kicking back.
Feels so good after the first week of school-am so glad that is done with. I hate the first week of school! It only gets better from there. 
But first, am going to enjoy the rest of this long Labor Day weekend.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I so admire people who can bake and are passionate about it.

    Your book cover looks amazing. No wonder you love hiding out in book stores. That has got to be the writer in you.

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog.

    Blessing hugs,


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