Friday, August 29, 2014

The Look at Stage

I've gotten into mixed media  painting on canvases lately. I think it's a natural progression from a lot of art journal painting.
Here's one of my latest - not sure it is quite finished yet, but it is in the "look at" stage. Do you do a "look at" stage with your work? I know some people work slowly, making little changes over time, and some people work quickly so when they are done, they are done.
I don't do a "look at" stage at work in my journal, but I find with my canvases I need to step away, put  the painting out to study and casually glance at it over a period of several days. I see things in the piece usually when I least expect to see them, and sometimes other people see something-for the good and the bad! And sometimes I just decide the painting is finished.
I think a lot of artists have this study phase while working. But what do I know?
Think my piece needs anything more?
I posted this piece this week at Paint Party Friday. Check out all the great art there.
So I am off from work today-its the start of the long Labor Day weekend! Got to love that especially after that first week back to school. It is exhausting- oh listen to me.  What a baby, huh? 

THANKS everybody for your suggestions!


  1. I love the mixture of images here and the birds give a good focal point. I can relate to the look-at idea as my look-ats can take days, I think it's necessary for some paintings.
    I like it as it is now, but I'll be interested to see any changes too, if you make them.

  2. Wonderful piece, and it is always good to stand back and look. I usually take photos, as I often see details there that I would otherwise have missed. Valerie

  3. I too like it as it is one. Your mixed media piece is awesome.

  4. I think this is really lovely-personally I would add a word, or a quote, but that's just my style. Happy holiday weekend!

  5. A colorful, fun piece. On watercolor or oil paintings I do have a look at stage or rather several. Doing greetings cards or backgrounds or journal pages, no.

  6. I like the mixed media and especially each bird. I find that taking a picture of my work and looking at it through the computer, I can see all the different things I need to do to it that I either had forgotten or that I need to redo. Blessings, Janet PPF

  7. Wonderful mixed media piece! When you're not sure it's ready, it isn't. At least for me it works that way. I just leave it there where I can see it all the time, and usually some ideas come to me. It can be just a small detail, but you'll know when it's ready :-)

  8. I really like how you created this. The layers are full and the depth is excellent.
    Well done

  9. Well, I don't do much mixed media, mainly just markers and ink, and I can tell you that the middle stages almost always look terrible! I used to give up more easily, but now if I keep going, it usually works out in the end.

    You picked such a nice color family for the bird stencil, to stand out from the background. I wonder if you might want to lightly do some pale, mostly transparent clouds over some of that, to blend them in just a bit with the background? Just a thought!


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