Wednesday, November 5, 2014

paper doll remake

I decided one of my paper doll journal pages needed a little more work.
This (above) is where I brought it with a little more work playing.
This, photo #2, is where it was before I decided to do some work to it.
I don't dislike the original, but I do like the extra depth the additions gave this page. I always thought the background was rather quilt like, which I love, and I think it looks more like a finished quilt in my updated page.
It needed the border.
I also was spending some time the other afternoon doing some (stress relieving) cutting out from a magazine. I added the saying to the page which changes the idea it all but works for me.
Sometimes you learn a lot by going back to a page and fixing it up a bit.
And sometimes, as I'm sure you know, its a disaster.
Glad this one wasn't  a disaster.

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