Thursday, November 6, 2014

Where to Go

I've been working on this journal page. I don't think it is done, but I don't know where to go with it. Maybe I don't need to go anyplace with it. Maybe it is finished. Maybe it just needs some writing on it.
It started with me using up some blue paint that was left over on my palette.  Then I did some stenciling. I love this warehouse looking stencil from Sheena. I also then tried out this bottle of yellow mister by Andy Skinner.  I really like this paint mister. It is paint rather than ink so the effect is thicker and not as transparent. I only picked up the yellow one but I think I want to get a few more.  I also like the fact they are not really expensive either.
So far its been a quiet week here. Elections are over-yahoo-no more ads on tv and in the mail. Work has been busy with the start of the new quarter-already. I've got a lot going on coming up starting this weekend including an all day art class (yahoo) and doing some daughterly duties with my mom. We'll see how that goes-right now with my mom you never know if its going to be a good visit or a bad visit. Next week I have some minor surgery on my plate-and I am going to take a recoup day afterwards. I plan on making that a well needed art day. 
That's the plan at least.
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know where you wanted to go with it, but I am sure you got there! Wonderful page! Hugs, Valerie


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