Thursday, January 8, 2015

Isn't It a New Year?

Back to work this week has meant my art output had gone down. That's OK. It very cold and my ambition is in its deep winter mode. That is called hibernation!  Ha-ha.
I haven't moved upstairs to my play space all week. It is much warmer next to the wood stove. A cup of tea and a good book- being warm in this bitter cold-that makes me content.
So a few more holiday journal views for you.
I have a few whole pages within my journal to break up all those little pocket pages. 
I wanted to make them quickly also. My goal with this album was to get it done before it got  to far into January. (I didn't want it to turn in drudgery. Or not finish it!) 
 I wanted to catch the holiday spirit though. I didn't want to just paste photos onto paper.
Time to pull out some stickers and die cuts and a few sequins. Not the most arty but it works.
And I made my goal.  I finished the album last weekend!

Stop back again soon!

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