Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What's Up

Time to do a life post.
Here's a few things with me lately.
Ugh! Winter temperatures have arrived this week and getting up at this time when its dark and sooooo cold...welcome to January!
My microbiology students had a belated holiday gift for me when I went back to work Monday-this awesome DNA winter scarf.
Makes dealing with these cold winter temperatures a lot easier.
I'm going to miss this class when they finish up in a couple of weeks.
We went from no snow to this crunchy icey snow last Sunday.  Maddie loves the snow! Amazing how much she's turned into such a good  dog in the 3 months we've had her.
Amazing how much we've bonded to her in that time too.
Found this show by accident on PBS.
I am hooked.
Makes me want cake!
Not just to eat- but I want to try baking some fancy cake.

Also I have wanted to watch this series on Starz. I did some playing around with my Direct TV programming and now I can watch it. That and I've been finishing up re-watching Season 4 of Downtown Abbey so I can start watching Season 5!
More of my crazy doggie.

She cracks me up.
And its not much, but that little streak of rising sun in the east is SOOOOOO welcome.
And this week is  SO cold. Too cold for me!
The sign at doggie daycare said 75 days until spring.
That was back on Monday so now its 73 days.
73 and counting!
Hope you stop by again soon.

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