Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Books on Wednesday

A book I just finished (finally). Tough reading a lot when you spend much of your day visiting in the hospital.
It was a good book. Not a raver of a book, but I enjoyed it. It was a book I wanted to see through to the end.  Got some ideas how to simplify my life, which is what a lot of this book is about, and some interesting ideas how to becoming a money producing artist, in an unusual way. 
A good book to read while visiting someone in the hospital.
 Now I have started this book. Which so far is excellent and I have very high hopes for.
Victoria Finlay also wrote a book about color which was excellent and which I am thinking I should reread since its been several years.
These books take you on a world travel with a theme. Easy to read but full of information but definitely  NOT a text book. Great historical blips too.
And my cookbook obsession hasn't simmered down any.Don't think there will be any new baking adventurers this week with the hubby still in the hospital but I did get to see this weeks Great British Bake Off show the other morning and I bought a couple of related cookbooks which I have been browsing while I eat and are inspiring me to bake once I get some time (and energy).

Both are very good cookbooks if you have any interest in British -well some aren't only foods from Britain-foods.
That's all for today. I have a deck to go shovel off.  Ee-gads!

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