Friday, February 6, 2015

The Tags Are Finished

Last week I showed you some unfinished tags that I had started. Well they are now finished and I thought I would show you my finished results.
 The lower view is the the one I showed you last week.
A little more coloring to this original and also the black swan. The black really makes the whole top of the tag pop. And I like adding words to pieces.
Here's the dragon last week,
And this is what it is now.
I went with a Chinese dragon theme on this card. With the Chinese New Year and all.
 And then I finished off the king.
 This is what I showed you last week.
Not too much more done to that one but some details.
I like doing details although sometimes I find it soooo frustrating. Its that fine line, not overdoing but not under-doing. 

Hope everyone has been having a good week.  Mine has been a tough one, with my hubby going through some serious kidney issues. Unexpected issues too.  We didn't even know he had a problem. He's been in the hospital all week and except for a few hours the other morning when it was snowing too hard to go out (when I finished these tags), I haven't had a lot of time for much.
I'm hoping he comes home today or tomorrow and then it will be a quiet weekend for me. Otherwise I guess I shall be back at the hospital all weekend.  I did pack myself a sketchbook and some supplies the other day to amuse myself. Maybe something will be decent enough to show you next week.
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
And don't forget to stop by Paint Party Friday to check out some great art.


  1. These tags are so pretty. I am absolutely loving the dragon one. Gorgeous colors. Happy PPF

  2. fabulous tags Erika! So sorry to hear about your husband. I hope they get everything sorted out very soon so he can be back home with you. Sending healing thoughts.

  3. Great finish with the first one, I thought it was previously finished but you have transformed it.
    Nice work on the other two as well, sometimes more is best.

  4. these are really fun tags; luv the first one best of the lot

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  5. Such beautiful tags, especially that first one. The black does indeed make everything pop.

  6. Beautiful tags, Erika. I hope your husband is getting better soon. I send you my best wishes.:)

  7. I love, love, love all your artsy tags! They're all so cool and unique that it's hard to pick a favorite one. Blessings!

  8. Beautiful tags Erika.
    I like doing tags. I just did some for my Granddaughters Mini book on my blog page.

    One can do so much on them of different ways.

    Take care and may your hubby be soon healing.

  9. Wonderful tags! My daughter has been trying to get me to do some dragon painting! Sorry to hear about your husband. When I had to spend a lot of time at the hospital with my dad - I packed drawing supplies, and later pen and ink and watercolor work. It was so therapeutic to keep my hands busy during the long waiting hours. Hoping things settle down quickly for you!

  10. I really enjoyed your tags. I think I have never done something like that, ...perhaps I should give it a try. Thanks for sharing and have an awesome day!!!

  11. Lovely artwork...still love the king... So sorry to hear about your hubby...wishing him a speedy recovery!

    Hugs Giggles


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