Friday, February 20, 2015

Dragons, Fish and Snow-Oh My!

Here's a journal page I recently made. I actually had used this dragon stencil on another page with some spray ink, and this dragon was made by flipping over the wet stencil and pressing this negative image onto a clean piece of paper. Then I added lots of various colored paints and got this look.
This dragon is one of my favorite pages. I like the movement he seems to have and how all his colors  really look natural to me. Such a long way from the white page he started out on.
And here's a doodle journal page. I did this away from my play space and I didn't have a white pen. That's the one thing I wish I had  used on this page, but I am otherwise happy with my silly and slightly ugly fishies.
Its all about the play.
This artful play has been helping me cope with my husband's kidney issues. What a couple of weeks it has been.  Kidney issues were the last thing on our minds when the hubby wasn't feeling well at the end of January and now we are starting to prepare ourselves for the fact he is going to need a kidney transplant down the road. All this in less than a month. Yeeks!  
But the good news is my vacation starts today after work. Not that I have anything wildly exotic planned. I am just thrilled to be off from work. Sleeping in,  hopefully painting a wall in my daughter's old bedroom then getting my bookshelves put together (finally) and my books moved into them once the wall is done.  Time to get those long IKEA boxes off my living room floor (finally again). I am hoping for naps in the afternoon,  time to bake something quite yummy, and maybe a little day trip or something I haven't yet thought up. I might even be decadent and spend a whole day in my pajamas reading in bed and sipping hot tea-getting up only to make another cup of tea. That's the best part about the start of a vacation break-all the potential.
I have just one wish-No Snow!
But somehow I doubt that's going to happen.
I think all this snow and ice in my backyard will be here until July!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and please check out all the great art at 
Paint Party Friday. It will be worth your time, I promise.


  1. Hi Erika, love your dragon and fishes. It would be nice if you would link up to our challenge at Art Journal Journey, 'Birds, beasts and humans! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Wow that snow is incredible. Sorry about hubbys kidneys. Great pages...the dragon is full of movement and great fun!! Same with your adorable doodles. My kids were just on a search for a white pen for me on Wednesday. Very hard to find...I may just try to order one online!! Keep warm in all that snow and enjoy that holiday!
    Hugs Giggles

  3. Fab dragon page!! Your fishies are a fun page. I hope for all the best for your hubby. Sounds like you are going to be spending your time off perfectly! Stay in and be warm. Here's to hoping that sun gets stronger each day and melts all that snow away by Spring!

  4. i agree with you that's one really nice dragon

    Happy PPF

    much love...

  5. Your plans for your holiday all sound good, hope you manage to fit them all in.
    Love your dragon and all the sweet little fishes swimming about in circles.

  6. I love your fish. I'm right there with you with the snow. Hoping your hubby is ok.

  7. Beautiful! Being artistic is a blessing, especially to help you cope with the stresses in life. Blessings to you and your husband as you undergo this medical phase in your life.

  8. Wonderful dragon. I like doing the reverse stencil bit too. He is very colorful and somewhat scary! Your house has so much snow. I hope it melts soon and you don't have to wait till July.

  9. I left too soon, Erika. I just wanted to say I am sorry your husband is sick. I hope he will get the care and treatment that will make him healthy again.

  10. Hope your hubby is going to feel better and soon!

    That dragon is oh so cool, but I especially like those fish, they swim so joyously.

    I share the feeling no-more-snow! Luckily we've been having rain for the last days and almost all the snow has melt in Helsinki.

  11. Your little fishies are so cute! heheheh I like them!
    I hope you will stop having snow soon!


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