Saturday, February 21, 2015

Vacation is Here

I didn't think I would be so excited to be off from work for a week- what with being out for 5 days with my husband and his health issues and then having 4 snow days from school on top of that. But all the health issues were very stressful  and I am ready for a little play and down time. HOPEFULLY, not a lot of snow and not a lot of health stress issues.
I am ready to move this life forward.
My plans?
Today we are heading north into more snow (oh no!) to see a hockey game. It will be so good to do something fun with hubby. This entire month has been him being down and out with kidney issues along with snow.
Not fun!
If I can go all week without picking up and using a shovel life will be wonderful.
And besides our little road trip, 
who knows what other trouble I will get into and what other arty things will come from these hands?
Hopefully I'll zip through several hundred pages of printed book paper,  maybe do a bit of kitchen experimenting and possibly watch a movie or 2-even if they are just off of Netflix or a DVD.
Until next time.
Enjoy your weekend!

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