Friday, February 27, 2015

Tags and Tags and Tags and Even More Tags

So I've had a busy vacation week. A lot of it had to do with paint.  I started a new painting, worked on a couple of others, and painted a wall in my daughter's bedroom.  Painted it twice actually, because when I finished the first time the color wasn't much like the color was suppose to be, nor was it what I wanted, and since it needed a second coat, I went and switched colors.
Now it is the color of coffee ice cream. Perfect choice for the room.
None of my art painting progresses are at a show you point- played with some backgrounds mostly, so today I will show some tags.
Still hooked on tags.
I am definitely loving the little canvases they are.

 Both of these tags have painted backgrounds. I cut the tags after I painted the backgrounds.
This tag has a half painted background and a piece of gelli print.
I have also come across some of my stamps that I have forgotten about. Its been so much fun to play with them!
I saw a card in a craft magazine made from white embossed designs, so I embossed these tropical hibiscus on painted paper and then cut them out.  They pop on this ink sprayed and painted background.
Every time I make a new tag I move onto the next idea. My brain has been jumping around a lot lately. Its like I want to try everything at once.
I still need to bind these into a book, and I am actively looking for the right old book to snag the cover from so I can make my tag journal.
Haven't found it yet.
But I have come across a few other assorted interesting things on my vacation adventures.
If you stop by my blog you might have seen this the other day, but for those of you who missed it, (not to be missed-ha-ha!)  this is a cool wall (and ceiling) mural by artist Richard Haas in the lobby of my husband's kidney specialist in Boston. It looks like there's so many real tropical plants in the bright sun. The photo doesn't do it justice.
I want to be in the warm place right now, just for a few hours.
But this (below) is more my reality.
At least, no snow to shovel this week!
 How about these ice fishing bob houses on the big lake (Lake Winnipesaukee) near where I live? The other morning I snapped these photos on a driving adventure I took. Some of them are quite funny.
How about the giant milk bottle on the left?  And the one with the flag and the deck on the right? Looks like a little log cabin.
My favorite is the little travel trailer with the trees set up around it.
It was a gorgeous day outside, just reaching the melting mark, with some beautiful blue sky. 
It did me good just to sit in the car with the sun streaming in the windows.
I went and bought myself some yarn to knit mittens.
More about that another day.

And this is a funky phone photo as we were driving out of Boston the other day and sitting a little traffic. The woman in her car really finishes the photo.
The yarn shop.
And how about this display in someone's front yard? That's Santa driving the digger.
And my furry four legged adventure companion. Who by the way decided to eat a pack of bamboo knitting needles and take a decent skein of grey yarn I had just purchased and tangled it into a mess! It has taken me over 2 hours to untangle it so far and I am still not done! Working on that project while I watched this excellent HBO mini-series.
Got to love these vacation adventures.
Have a great weekend. I'm off on a little road trip to Providence, Rhode Island.
But before I sign off,  check out all this week's art and artistic endeavors at  Paint Party Friday.


  1. Fantastic tags are these all .. and great impressions ! Happy PPF!

  2. Erika, your tags are wonderful. I love all the stenciled and stamped designs. I also think your embossed flowers are so gorgeous. Loved seeing your photos. Our snow is not as deep as that in the NE but 14+" in less than 2 weeks is a lot for Richmond.

  3. Lovely post - wonderful tags and photos. Love the mural with the palms, looks so good. Valerie

  4. Fun tags!
    And I do dig those crazy ice-fisher-folk and their structures!

  5. You've put so many wonderful elements into the tags Erika-love them! And that mural-OMG- magnificent-I can't imagine seeing it in person-wow! Love the pic of your dog-he looks so innocent:)

  6. This is such a colorful, informative post! I love your tags and marvel at the depth achieved with the different layers. Happy PPF

  7. Great tags! Thanks for all you've shared and your super photos!

  8. Lovely tags to play with and lovely mural wall. Best of all I like to see the small "fishing houses" on the ice!Good idea. We have not so much snow this winter. Happy PPF!

  9. Love your tags, especially the "Magic" one!Fun photos too!

  10. Your tags are gorgeous, love the colours. That wall is just amazing, it looks so real. I was laughing at those cabins but I can't imagine how cold you are, it's over 30 deg C in the house here and anything below 20 is freezing to us.
    Stay warm and I hope you get your yarn sorted out :)

  11. Great photos!!! You had me smiling what a wonderful way to start the day.

  12. What a fabulous post...your furry family member needs one of those shaming signs that say I ate my moms knitting needles then tangled her wool...omg I laughed... I love your tags and those awesome bob house...they are so cool. I showed my Son in Love...and mentioned if I didn't visit blogs I may have never have seen that very cool scene...I think it would make wonderful inspiration for a painting! Thanks for sharing and giving me a giggle!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. Your tags are lovely! I especially like the second one. And that mural ... wow! It looks so real. Great pictures btw!


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