Sunday, March 1, 2015

It Is March

Hurrah! I am glad February is over.  What a month it was with soooo much snow, the second coldest month on record (we missed the coldest by 0.1 degree Fahrenheit) , and my husband coming down with his awful kidney damaging auto-immune disease.
But it is now a new month. March! Time to start seeing some signs of spring. Of course as I write this is is snowing, again. I wonder if we will see any signs of spring this month.
I can only hope.
So this past weekend I traveled with the hubby, his sister and her husband down to Providence, Rhode Island for a hockey game and a little fun ,
It was a great way to wrap up my week off.
Not showing any of my art today, but will show you a few last photos from my week off.

Cool tile wall in Providence.And this old map on a display too.
I love  this reflection of my husband in a window but also how you can see the some city lights outside.
Here's that same view in the morning. No reflection!
View outside a window from an old train station, now a brewery where we had lunch. Oh yes, winter in the city.

My Rusty Griswald red beer. 
 My snugly kitty back home. He didn't want me to paint. He wanted me to rub him!
And the first of March is my daughter's puppy's first birthday. We picked up a little cake and also got her this bobble-head as a thank you for dog sitting out puppy while we hit the road.  She suggested we put it on her puppy's cake. What a hoot! 
Hope you have a great start to the new month and your week.
Stop by again soon.


  1. Seems like a nice holiday! And yes, us New Englanders have had our fill of snow this past February. Yet March will usher in spring, and none too soon!

  2. I agree with you about being glad February is over although I'm just looking out the window right now and it has started to snow!! It never lies for long here because we're right on the coast but still - I was hoping the weather would start getting a little more spring like! You got some great photos - I love the one of the reflection with the city lights through it and that bobble head is so cute!!


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