Thursday, April 30, 2015


Today, flowers.Although it is April showers that bring May flowers, and it is still April (can you believe the last day of April already?), I shall show you flowers.
Flowers in my garden.
I still have crocus blooming; everything has been so far behind this year here in New Hampshire.

But the daffodils are getting buds and will bloom soon.
And my rose bushes are getting leaves. baby leaves, but it is so nice to see them coming back to active life.
And I spent some time recently playing with flowers in my studio.  Paper and silk flowers and velvet leaves.

Making hearts with flowers.
And making cones with flowers.
I have more to show you some other day when I finally get photos taken.
But I'm sure you will wait patiently.
At least I hope so.

Have a great day and thanks for visiting.

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