Friday, May 1, 2015

Time is Flying

Happy May Day
! I can't believe April is over! I can't believe my vacation week has flown by so quickly!
Well, yes I can believe it because time always seems to fly by, especially when the weather is improving and the days are getting so much noticeably longer.
Its been a good but busy week, not as much Rand R as I thought there would be, but that is also a true fact about vacations. You always think you are going to have more time to do more things than there you actually do.And more downtime too.
So this week I have some vacation art to show you.

 These are intaglio Gelli prints. I made them by using some foam board, a pencil and a ruler. I carved lines in the foam board. Then I rolled black acrylic paint over the foam board and pulled a print directly off the foam board to take off the black surface paint. But that still left black paint in my pencil carvings, so when I then laid the foam board paint side down on the Gelli plate and rolled it again, the paint in the creases left an intaglio style print which I could them print onto my paper. 
Here's my foam board.
 I used my Silks paints to color in the sections, and then I used black pens, white pens and a bit of black Sharpie to make the Zentangle designs.
I used a little Copic coloring too.
And on this one I stamped a bunch of images along with the Zentangle doodling and coloring.
And I think the orange house is finished. The colors are off, but it was pretty cloudy yesterday afternoon so I snapped these on my work table (right after I finished up). I'll get a better shot on some sunny day for you. (Also the markers on the bottom edges don't help.)

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by, While you're at it head over to Paint Party Friday and check out what some great artistic people have been up to.
(And as always, thanks to Eva and Kristen for hosting.)


  1. What gorgeous colors! They brighten up this rainy day for me. And your orange house is wonderful. What a neat bench in the yard!. I looked back at some of your gelli printing. You have gotten the knack for this. I need more practice, I think. Let's face it, acrylic paints are messier than watercolors. I am trying to get used to the mess but my dining room is now my art room. Even with plastic on the floor, I fear for my white Chinese rug!!!

  2. Love that foam board, great idea! Your house is gorgeous, would like to live there! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Oh I love your house so much. Wouldn't it be awesome to live in that home? I know I would love it. Great job on all Erika. Your work is awesome and yes the time just goes by so fast. Everyone I speak to feels the same way. Time is just flying by and we wonder where the days are going. Take care and have a great day.

  4. This looks stunning wow..and the orange house is perfect !

    Happy PPF!

  5. The first piece reminds me of a quilt - lovely detail! And the orange house is marvelous... I really do think I can love in it:-)

  6. thank you so much for sharing your intaglio technique-fabulous project full of vibrant color! I do love your orange house too:)

  7. I've done this before and I always love the intaglio print so much that I can't do anything more to it.

    This is terrific.

  8. Wow love the new painting and the orange house is fabulous too!! Thanks for sharing that very cool process...very all the colour too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Wow, that's really amazing. Who'd think you would get such an intricate painting out of those few black lines. Love the result!

  10. I think your orange house painting is OUTSTANDING! I love the colourful door and all the flowers and the bench and the two cats. I'm glad we saw it progress as it makes the finished artwork even more interesting.
    Your patterns are colours are fun too.

  11. luv them all; the colours are happy and fun, and you have a knack for doodling; thanks for dropping in at my blog

    much love...

  12. The intaglio piece is gorgeous. I've never tried that, so thanks for the instructions. Thanks for your earlier visit!

  13. Love your intaglio Gelli prints! What a great idea! I love my Gelli plate, but I'm using it far too little. Your orange house looks so happy!


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