Thursday, April 23, 2015

Life is a Bowl of Cherries

 I haven't been busy with too much art this past week. Between a little virus early in the week and then spending a day at kidney transplant orientation for my husband. never mind work, my studio time has been limited. I have worked on a few things but no photos to show you, so today I am diving back into the archives with a few pieces that made me smile.
 The good news is my husband's auto-immune disease is gone and his antibody levels are all back to normal, so next fall we should be proceeding with a transplant. We're also lucky because including myself we have 3 serious donors and 3 other people who have shown interest, so hopefully someone between all these folks will be a match. That's the next stage we are moving onto.
Oh the unexpected places life brings you.
I love cherry art! I don't know why, but I do. I do. It makes me smile.
Maybe because it reminds me of early summer!
I find this time of year very exciting with all the changes going on as spring progresses.
Do you love cherries? Cherry art?
What themes put you in the spring or early summer mood art wise?
That's all for today.
See you soon, I hope!

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