Friday, April 24, 2015

Yahoo! It is Friday!

Happy Friday everyone! This Friday is especially a good one for me since I start my week long vacation after work is finished today. No big plans but some little jaunts in the planning. I've been holding off scheduling anything since I love the feeling of having  whole open week. Guess it is time to actually decide what I might do before the week is over, but truthfully the idea of being low key is really appealing. A little yard work, some reading, some art time, finishing a few little cleaning projects....sounds decadent and fantastic to me.
So this week I've had a lot going on; I caught a little virus which put me to bed with a bad headache, and I also went with my husband to his  kidney transplant orientation down in Boston.  I did manage to squish in a little art the other evening, including some work on some paintings. The orange house piece is almost finished, and I will show you that next week, but I did start another piece.
The yellow chair!
The chair is a bit out of proportion but I have plans for that. Plus, I kind of like its small seat and the  too tall  back quirkiness.
I have been using up the extra left over paint on my palette to make some backgrounds.
These are nothing special, but these backgrounds have turned into some journal pages.

Next week I really want to spend a morning or afternoon with my gelli plate and do some printing. My painted  paper stash is very  low right now so it is time to replenish, plus I want to make some spring/summery colored pages. I really should get a small plate that they now have. I have a big plate, but I tend to pull it out only when I go into mass printing mode. Not that that is a bad thing, but I think maybe I would use a smaller plate on a more regular basis.
Maybe use- that's the key phrase there.
So update on my husband's kidney situation:  it looks like we'll be able to do a transplant in the fall. Smile. (But it is still kind of scary!) Right now we have 3 active people who are willing to donate a kidney to him, myself included. We have 3 other people who have mentioned they would, but we have to see if they actively want to get involved.  It is way too big of an issue to ask people, but the hope is we can do it in October or November and then be able to move forward with this bump in road in our lives.
I still can't get over where life can put you-unexpectly.
I'm sure many or most or even all of you know that, but it never fails to surprise me.
Linking this week's work to Paint Party Friday. Thanks to Eva and Kristen for doing this every week. If you haven't been or haven't been by recently, be sure to stop by and check out all the clever and cool pieces people post.
Hope everyone has some fun weekend plans and thanks for stopping by my blog!


  1. Hope you feel better soon...your yellow chair painting is fabulous... and your pages are wonderful too! All the best to your hubby with his kidney transplant!!
    Take care and enjoy your time off!!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Lovely work, Erika, the yellow chair is very appealing. The journal pages are great, too. Have a fun week, look after yourself, and all the best for your husband. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Your work is delightful. I especially like the yellow chair sitting on the beautiful wooden floor. I have a small Gelli plate which I use, but only every now and then. I do think it is more accessible than a large one would be. I am so happy for your husband that he will be able to get a transplant. Alas, my dh was too old for the liver transplant list, according to some medical organization, even though there were at least 2 ready and willing donors. I have a donor's card but at age 80 I don't know if anything would be suitable to donate to anyone.

  4. I rather like the unusual proportions of your yellow chair sitting in its corner. I'll be interested to see your plans for it.

  5. I love the striking vibrant colors in your chair piece Erika and look forward to seeing how you finish it. Fab journal pages! Hugs and prayers and wishing you continually get good news regarding your hubby's health.

  6. The best to your husband and hope you too soon feel better. Love that chair as it is. Kind of Van Goghish. Very nice work. Enjoy your vacation.:)

  7. nice work and all the best to your husband. Wishing you all the strength you need.

  8. Agree with Linda, the yellow chair looks beautiful! Somehow it reminded me of Van Gogh. Prayers to you and your husband for good health and recovery.

  9. Love your yellow chair and waiting to see the orange house later.. But have a nice week!

  10. I like the disproportion in the chair. Now I'm curious what your plans are with this ;-) And yes, life can change from one minute to the next. Hope all goes well with your husband's transplantation!


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