Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Card or Two

There's a bit of a glare in this photo, the lighter background square on the right. but ignore that and you can see one of the cards I made back over the past weekend.
I really like this card. I used the waste from cutting out my seahorse (Cheery Lynn) as a stencil and then I sprayed the card with some spray ink. I think it makes a nice kind of background that feels like it has  movement the way water does. I also cut up the thick plastic (waste) cover from some product I bought a long time ago. I kept the plastic coating just for a project like this.
I did use a little black paint to highlight the edges of that plastic.

And super super simple card.  I have this ancient set of stamps with these leaves and pineapple.  They were made by some scrapbooking company that is no longer around. (Kind of sad how many of those good old companies are gone.) I stamped the leaves in a darker green directly onto the card. But I am happy with the results.  Looked almost batik fabric like. And I water-colored the pineapple image and stamped it.
Told you it was simple.
So its been a pretty nice week here in New Hampshire. I love it but it is testing my patience because it makes me want to be on summer vacation.
Am I always this impatient or is it just because of the horrible winter we had and add that to my slightly distracted mind frame with my husband's kidney issues? Hmmmm.
That's all for me right now.
Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely work, and I especially love the first one. The lighter shape on the right made it even more exciting. And with a moveable sea behind.


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