Thursday, May 7, 2015


 This week has been warm and feeling like summer. I've been thinking a lot about going to the beach and boating, gardening and summer road trips. I've also been wearing my sandals which is fantastic.
Leaves are popping out and trees are in bloom. Everything is greening up! I love it!
Kids at school are NOT focused. They want to go outside. I want to go outside. I don't want to work either. But I must do my job and be professional. Next week (maybe) they are saying more rain so that might get us all back on track. Might is the key word.
Seniors, forget it.  They are counting down to graduation! 34 days including weekends!
I find this time of year so exciting. 
This weather renews my spirits. 
Lots of backgrounds today. Gelli prints I made back a couple of weeks ago. 
Little peaks of my summer brain!
How's your week? In your summer brain  mode yet?

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