Saturday, May 2, 2015

A Whale of a Time

This journal page started with a side from a Barnes & Nobel bookseller bag. I used some matte medium and attached it to some watercolor paper, and then I used some SILKS paints to paint over it.
I added some washi tape, a die cut wave edge and seagull along with a bunch of die cut little whales. Then I added the ahoy wording using paints and a white pen.
Although I think its a little bottom heavy, I love recycling a bag into an art piece, and I love how the SILKS colors work on the bag and make the black line images pop. That was all an experiment to me, and I have another similar bag (not with a whale) that I am going to definitely use to make another page.
I am linking this to Art Journal Journey because the May theme is one of my favorite art themes, the Sea.
So our weather has turned gorgeous, and earlier today I went walking with a friend along a newly finished walking trail in a town near my home. What a beautiful walk it was, very flat with lots of lakes along the trail. The big thing here is to turn old railroad tracks into walking trails. What a great thing.

After our walk we went out for sandwiches and of course we chatted up  storm.  It was such a fun and relaxing day out. I loved being out in the sunshine too.
Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful too. Yahoo!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog.


  1. What a lovely post! LOVE the wonderful collage you made, thanks so much for joining us at Art Journal Journey. Great photos, too, from the walking trail, so beautiful. Have another nice day today! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Love your whale, what a good idea to use a recycled bag, and the way you have made the sea.
    The little whales and the words are good fun too.
    It's a super illustration for the theme.

  3. Just gorgeous is your page Erika!
    Thank you for joining AJJ!
    The images are wonderful as well... what a lovely place!

  4. I love your journal page. I am always so fascinated by the beautiful things everyone creates.

    Thank you for sharing your pictures. I can see why it was a special day.

  5. i love your page,wonderful sea collage you used,love your wale,and your beautiful photos of your walk.
    Love it.

    greetings jeannette

  6. A creative take on the theme and in lovely colors. Beautiful photos. Thanks for your kind comment on my page.

  7. A fabulous way to recycle a bag, its a super page, love the whale.
    Your photos are look lovely as well.

  8. What a sweet place you live in NH. Looks like you are up in the Plymouth area. Thanks for visiting my blog. I grew up in Southern NH so know the state well, just a short hop over into Maine. Love seeing the whale's tales and you cute dogs. xox

  9. Creative and beautifully painted page.

  10. Very loveley your whale! And thanks for your kind comment, wishing you a nice and creative week and good luck with the roses ;)

  11. Lovely whale - beautiful colours and a great idea!

  12. Wonderful art page and terrific photographs

    Love Chrissie xx


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