Thursday, May 14, 2015

I Baked a Cake This Past Week

I tried to decorate it with some food coloring markers but the frosting was a little soft.
I'll try it another time on something with a stiffer coating.

And I read this book.
This book was quite a good mystery.

And I went and saw this movie. It was a Saturday night date with my hubby. I ate a lot of a large bag of popcorn (naughty me but it tasted soooo good) and found the movie entertaining, but not as good as the first Avengers movie. Not a bad movie though.

And I bought a few new roses which I need to plant still, and as you can see in this photo, I need to trim away the dead wood on my old roses (which are in the upper left corner of the photo.)
Once the black flies are aren't as bad as they are right now I will do that. (Way too buggy to do any gardening outside right now.) Its the curse of living in the north where the winters are long, and then when you finally get spring weather you gets thousands or millions of these little annoying biting insects.

And I bought a few new colors of Silks paints too.

These are bright colors for my summer journaling.

And I've been enjoying these bright spring blooms.

And I love having leaves!

This is what I have been up to lately.
What have you been doing?


  1. Looks like spring has really sprung now! Your cake looks really beautiful and yummy! Love the look of those paints! I have been walking, reading and crafting as always. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Gorgeous cake and thank you for the tips - good luck with the new roses and the new colors!
    Happy weekend!


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